tisdag 22 juli 2008

New kit for sale

On scrapyard.se soon.

Here is a preview for you.

Hugs Cissi

torsdag 17 juli 2008

We are home!

Now home again!

Here are a LO when Im taking a bath!!

Just up and down in the water. It was cooooold..."brrrrr"

Hugs Cissi

lördag 12 juli 2008

On vacation

Hello all!

We are tomorrow going on a vacationtrip. Be back by the end of the week.

Just to let you know!!!

Have a nice week all of you!

Hugs Cissi

söndag 6 juli 2008

Sunny Summer land from LilyKay

LilyKay has made a new kit, SunnySummerLand. Here are 2 layouts I´ve made.

And the next one....

Hugs Cissi